Planning Commission : Minutes : 8.24.11


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Present: Ms. Philippa Proulx, Mr. Mike Harman, Ms. Linda Russell, Mr. Mike Tapager and Ms. Connie Brennan (Board Liaison)

Absent: Ms. Emily Hunt

SPECIAL USE PERMIT/CENTRAL VIRGINIA WIND ENERGY: Mr. Dan Boyle, representing property owner Mr. Barton Biggs, submitted an application for a permit to install a 140-foot wind turbine on a 175-acre property at 4026 River Road, Faber. Mr. Boger reported that the property is on a section of River Road designated Scenic Byway and that the turbine would be visible from the road, especially when the leaves are off the trees. Mr. Boger also said that the application indicates that the blades will be white in color and said that the white might be more noticeable from the road.

Mr. Boyle stated that the turbine would be approximately 40 feet above the tree line. Ms. Russell asked about the type of fence. Mr. Boyle said that the steps would be removed from the ground up to the 12-foot mark to make discourage anyone from climbing the tower. Ms. Russell asked about lighting and Mr. Boyle said that the turbine would not be lit. Ms. Russell asked whether the lattice on the tower would be reflective and Mr. Boyle said that it would be galvanized.

Ms. Russell said that the only issue seems to be the color, but said that she has seen a turbine with white blades in Albemarle County and it did not bother her. She said that she finds the turbines much more attractive than cell towers. Mr. Boger said that the turbines could be detrimental to Bald Eagles and bats.

With no public comment, Commissioners voted unanimously to recommend approval of the 140-foot wind turbine.

CLASS I COMMUNICATION TOWER/AT&T/WATERWORKS LANE: The applicant submitted an application for a 78-foot metal monopole tower with a 2-foot lightning rod on property located on Waterworks Lane, Wintergreen Resort. The application notes that the tower will replace an existing tower and will be painted dark brown. The application also includes a request for a waiver to Section 20-7-K-5 landscaping requirements. The area is wooded and well screened from adjacent properties.

With no public comment, Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the tower and grant a waiver to the landscaping requirements.

SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: Mr. Boger presented information on requiring shared driveways for lots fronting on state roads. He reported that VDOT requires a commercial entrance when three or more lots share a driveway. After discussion, Commissioners directed staff to prepare draft language to require that every two lots share a driveway for smaller lots, possibly 5 acres or less in size. Anything over that size would be exempt from the requirement.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WORK SESSION: Commissioners directed staff to determine whether a quorum would be available to meet on Wednesday, October 5th at 7:30pm. They set Wednesday, October 12th as the second option for a meeting.

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2011 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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