Irene : Little Effect on Nelson – Elsewhere, Different Story

Screen grab and video via WRAL-TV in North Carolina

This aerial video above shot by crews with WRAL-TV in North Carolina shows the extensive damage on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Click on the player above to view.

Eastern Virginia & North Carolina
We essentially got nothing here in Nelson County from the passage of Hurricane Irene to our east. But that was a far different story on the Eastern Shore of Virginia and places such as the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Extensive damage has been reported there. It also continues all the way up the coast to New England.

In Nelson we saw less than 1/2″ of rain and no winds higher than 35 MPH. In Richmond considerable damage was reported along with heavy rains.

Another developing storm way off in the Atlantic could affect the US mainland in about 10 days to 2 weeks. It is expected to become a hurricane withing the next few days.


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