Earl Hamner Talks Nelson On The Radio : This Friday July 29th

©2011 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Nelson County native Earl Hamner & NCL Publisher Tommy Stafford will be on Memphis, TN radio KWAM 990 Friday July 29th at 4PM Eastern Time. He'll be talking about Nelson and tons more!

Nelson County, VA
Memphis, TN
Studio City, CA

Nelson County’s own Earl Hamner, and founder of The Waltons will be on KWAM 990 radio in Memphis, TN this Friday afternoon just after 4PM eastern time. Earl will be appearing with NCL Publisher, Tommy Stafford. Tommy was on air in the Memphis TV market back in the early 90’s through the early 2000’s.

The two will be talking with host Earle Farrell about Nelson County, The Waltons, Earl’s childhood here in Virginia, and his newest book, just released!

You don’t have to be in Memphis to listen, just click here to listen to the live stream online!


  1. A great show! thanks

    BTW: Elaine & I brought down two old but new doors for the Hamner. Spent the week installing them with Gifford and Bill. Wow! What a job! It got too hot this afternoon, so headed in to hear the show. Henri


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