Beautiful Start To The Week & NCL Launches New Site

Sunset Over The Blue Ridge By Ann Strober of Nellysford, Virginia
Sunset Over The Blue Ridge By Ann Strober of Nellysford, Virginia

Welcome to the new Nelson County Life Web edition! We had a soft unveiling of the site as Tropical Storm Hanna was hanging around Friday into Saturday of last week, but today, we officially kick it off, and there’s lots more to come. One of the biggest additions is the electronic edition of our current and past issues of NCL. That’s it on the upper right hand side of your screen just under the banner picture. Over time, all of the older editions will be added until we have them all available dating back to our 1st one!

That makes it handy if you have a relative anywhere in the world that you want to have a look at something. And for advertisers, it is a great way for people all over the U.S. and the world to see information about your presence here in the Nelson / Wintergreen area.

In just the two to three days we launched the new look, here’s what some of you have said:

Tom Weber says: “Hi Tommy and Yvette, I like the changes to the web site…”

Catherine Lively says: “What a wonderful improvement!!! Thank you! And I am glad to see your site again… very well done! I missed it!”

John Taylor says: “New site looks great!”

Paul Purpura says: “I like the new web site Tommy.”

Judy Serkes says: “WOW- you sure did change things around ! It will take some getting used to but I think I like it !”

Matt Nucci says: “Matt Nucci here from Blue Mountain Brewery. Just wanted to let you know how
cool your new website looks. Its awesome!!”

Ann Strober says: “Your new look is very attractive and user friendly. I especially love the issue archive and the zoom feature. Great for people who are occasional visitors and miss issues.”

Speaking of Ann Strober in that last comment, thank you for your great sunset picture over the Blue Ridge. And for those of you new to some features we have here, if you click on the photo above, it enlarges it to a bigger version so you can see the detail, click again and it’s back to the web display size! Neat!

Also want to thank everyone involved with the Crutchfield Electronics Day at the RVCC this past Saturday. It was a complete success! You can read lots more by clicking here!

We’ll continue to have the full custom audio weather each M-F, but you won’t see the detailed text version anymore, rather, you can see that in an overview by looking at the forecast on the left side of your screen. Some days, like today, weather pictures will be part of a top post, other days it won’t. It all depends on how significant the approaching weather is.

Speaking of weather, we do have to keep our eyes on Ike, though it’s a gulf coastal worry right now, it could head our way by next weekend, we’ll just have to see what he does once in the gulf.

We hope you like the new look of the site, keep your comments coming, and remember you can always add a comment to any post simply by clicking on “Leave a Comment” or if a comment has already been left, just click on the highlighted line that says how many comments have been left thus far. It’s a great way for the whole community to get in on chatting about what’s taking place.

Be looking for more features to be added in the very near future!

For now enjoy!
Tommy & Yvetteweather


  1. Good Morning, The Monticello High School Teachers love the good improved web site. Some of us check out the Nelson County Life Web-site every morning for up-dates in the weather, events, and traffic reports.

    Keep up the outstanding job.


    Nelson Martin
    8 Lakeview Ct
    Nellysford, VA

  2. Hi – Nice new site, modern and up-to-date. It takes a little longer to load, and the running slide show does burn some CPU and bandwidth. I’m a regular and a weather-checker, too. Thanks for trying to keep up all informed about the Broadband-Over-Powerline slow-as-molasses-in-February roll out.

  3. It’s ALL great! Nelson county Life is an icon on our desktop, and it’s the first thing I check in the a.m. Now, I will have to be sure that the second cuppa java is a brewin’, so as to peruse all features. …. Best to you…….!

  4. This site is a favorite and the upgrade is fantastic. Now I can read your great magazine, which is not available (as yet !) in New Zealand. What an attribute you are for lovely Nelson County.


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