“Lunatic Farmer”, Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms, visits Pharsalia

You might say Joel Salatin is obsessed with dirt. Here, he holds up a clump of grass as he discusses the carbon cylcle at a dinner and talk held at Pharsalia in Tyro. (Yvette Stafford – © 2011 NelsonCountyLife.com)

Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms came to Pharsalia to preach the gospel of the locavore food movement. Before the talk, guests sunk their teeth into meaty Polyface hot dogs complete with all the fixin’s – or as Joel called the condiments, condominiums. Thumbs up on the Rhubarb crisp, by the way.

The air may have been hot and drippy but the salad was crisp and cold. (Yvette Stafford – © 2011 NelsonCountyLife.com)

Then it was on to a fascinating history lesson in which Salatin compared the antebellum farm operation of William Massie’s Pharsalia estate to modern-day challenges facing farmers who desire to nourish the land and keep it fertile, bucking mainstream industrial agricultural practices.

The self-described lunatic farmer’s latest book, Folks, This Ain’t Normal, is due to be released October 2011.

Live music came courtesy Kim and Jimbo Cary of Massies Mill. (Yvette Stafford – © 2011 NelsonCountyLife.com)


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