UPDATE 8PM EDT — Fatal car wreck at Duncan Hollow Loop and River Rd.

Duncan Hollow Loop and Rt. 6 (River Road) is the scene of a Tuesday afternoon fatal car wreck in Faber. Image via Google Maps.

Nelson County, VA

Update 8:00 PM EDT
NCL has learned the young woman who lost her life in the auto accident is a freshman teen student at Nelson County High School. Out of respect for the family additional details from NCL will be released at a later time.

NBC29 in Charlottesville has a brief snippet of info here in this post: http://ht.ly/5czPr

CBS-19 has their story here: http://www.newsplex.com/home/headlines/Teen_Dies_in_Nelson_County_Car_Crash_123419244.html

UPDATE 5:05 PM: Sheriff Brooks tells us the driver of the vehicle, a male, is alive. A male passenger in that vehicle is also alive. However, a female passenger in the vehicle has died. Our thoughts are with these families tonight.

Sheriff David Brooks has confirmed reports of a fatality involving a single vehicle on Rt. 6 (River Road) at Duncan Hollow Loop in Faber. It is not yet clear if the accident is on the east or west end of the loop. Though we are told traffic is flowing smoothly, expect delays once the wrecker arrives.


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