North Branch Gets Anemometer Tower

Photos Courtesy of NBS: JMU staff and students raise an anemometer tower this past Thursday at North Branch School in Afton.
Photos Courtesy of NBS: JMU staff and students raise an anemometer tower this past Thursday at North Branch School in Afton.

Nelson County, Virginia

James Madison University staff and students were back at North Branch School again this past week to put up an anemometer tower. We first told you about the beginning phases of a study back in November of 2010. That was the first step of a process that might eventually allow NBS to have their own wind turbine at the school.

“The anemometer tower will be set up temporarily as part of the national Wind for Schools program. JMU’s Center for Wind Energy administers the program for the state of Virginia. North Branch students will collect and graph wind speed data as part of the science curriculum for the 2011-2012 school year,” Bonnie Holliday of NBS tells Nelson County Life.

A JMU engineer adjusts the anemometer that is atop the tower at NBS.
NBS students hold up anemometers to catch the wind current while Remy Luersson, Director of the Virginia Center for Wind Energy at JMU explains the process.

North Branch School on the web:



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