Sure Signs Of Spring In Nelson

Photos By Paul Purpura : ©2011 : Snow melts on the Dobie Slope at Wintergreen Resort during the recent warm weather.

Nelson County, Virginia
No question we have had some back and forth weather over the past several days, but sure signs of spring are in the air. The 87° high on Monday in the valley with a 74° high in the mountains at Wintergreen Resort, is a proof of warmer days ahead. NCL Mountain Photographer, Paul Purpura, grabbed a few shots over the weekend of the clues to real spring weather.

Cyclists with the Fat Frogs bike team take a practice run up Route 664 toward Wintergreen in preparations for next month's Wintergreen Ascent Race.
A look down toward The Edge from A-Side at Wintergreen Resort shows snow from this past season's bang up year melting fast as warmer days move in.
A member of the Fat Frogs Cycle team pushes up the mountain toward Wintergreen in a practice ride.

Though we’ll see slightly cooler temps mid week, we’ll be back in the 70’s and 80’s by week’s end!


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