Firefighters Battle Brush Fire Near Spruce Creek & Old Wintergreen Store

Photo By Ann Strober : ©2011 : A moderate sized brush fire can be seen on a mountainside at the end of Spruce Creek Road just south of Nellysford.

Near Nellysford
Nelson County, Virginia

Updated 4:00PM EDT
Origin of fire located and under control.

Updated 2:40PM EDT
Firefighters have located origin of blaze and are getting equipment to the scene to get it put out.

Around 2:30 PM EDT firefighters in Nelson County wore working to determine the best attack on a brush fire burning just south of Nellysford of of Spruce Creek Road west of Route 151. Generally speaking it’s west of the old Wintergreen Store.

Ann Strober snapped the shot above from her deck just north of Nellysford.

Several area fire crews are working to get into where the fire is burning.

More as we know.


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