Generous Christmas Donations For Two Nelson Familes

©2010 : Ray Uttaro (left) organizer to help needy families this Christmas, and Tommy Stafford, Publisher of Nelson County Life, with a few of the gifts you have donated to the two Christmas families we told you about.

Nelson County, Virginia

“Unbelievable,” That’s how Ray Uttaro described it Wednesday afternoon when he dropped by NCL to pickup items left so far for the 2 Nelson families we told you about in this original article. For years Ray has been quietly helping out families in the Nelson area at Christmas. “When I first got to Nelson it was a tough time, I had very little. There were people that stepped up and helped me out way back then. I have never forgotten it. I always said if I had the chance later in life to help people out I would,” Ray told us.

Ray looks through some of the Christmas donations you have dropped off here at NCL . Lots of gift certificates, food, toys, clothes, just to name a little of it!

One family in Nelson even sprung for the Wii that one family’s youngster said would be a dream to get.

There’s still time to drop more off and the need is still great.

Click here for the list in our original story, scroll down.

Ray thanks you, we thank you. Nelson you are great and these families need this now more than ever!


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