Board Of Supervisors : 10.12.10 : Minutes


Present: Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Tommy Harvey and Mr. Allen Hale

NOVEMBER MEETING – Supervisors adopted a resolution to change their November meeting from November 9th to November 16th to allow members to attend the Virginia Association of Counties Conference.

PUBLIC COMMENT – Dr. Roger Collins, Superintendent of Schools, updated the Board on ongoing work at the schools, noting that the work began last week on the roof replacement at Tye River Elementary. He said that within two weeks, two test windows will be repaired with the contractor then submitting a cost estimate for approval.

2012 REAL ESTATE REASSESSMENT – Mr. Matt Hickey with Blue Ridge Mass Appraisal Company, LLC reviewed the ongoing project, noting that 4,706 parcels or 28% of the total parcels had been inspected as of October 8th. He said that preliminary findings show that Wintergreen and Stoney Creek are experiencing substantial decreases in value. He noted that other areas of the county are experiencing decreases too but the level of decease is minor in comparison with that at Wintergreen and Stoney Creek. Mr. Hickey said that final values will reflect the 2010 and 2011 sales with completion scheduled for December 31, 2011. He then went through a presentation his company will provide for any county groups interested in learning about the reassessment. The presentation will be available after January 1, 2011.

COUNTY GIS SYSTEM – Ms. Susan Rorrer reviewed the use of and tools available on the county’s GIS system. She also reported to the Board that the county has completed installation and setup of the citizen emergency telephone notification system.

JOB DESCRIPTIONS – Supervisors reviewed staff-developed job descriptions for a new Planner position and a re-configured position in Economic Development and Tourism. Mr. Hale objected to the classification of the ED & Tourism position as Grade 14 (starting $29,884) and suggested Grade 12 (starting $27,098). After discussion, Supervisors voted 5-0 to adopt a resolution approving the Planner position job description and grade for that position. Supervisors voted 4-1 (Mr. Hale voting no) to adopt a resolution approving the Economic Development and Tourism position job description at Grade 14 and authorizing staff to recruit for that position.

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MOA), COURTHOUSE COMMUNICATION TOWER – Mr. Carter reported that the outcome of the Environmental Assessment for federal approval of the installation of the county’s 120-foot communication tower requires that the county provide for mitigation of the visual impact on the courthouse and Lovingston. The MOA requires that the county enter into an agreement with the Nelson County Historical Society and the Department of Historic Resources to develop and maintain an interpretive historical display of the structures and monuments in court square. In addition, the county will be required to maintain the Magistrate’s Office and to work with the Historical Society to determine a future use for that structure. Supervisors voted 5-0 to authorize staff to execute the MOA.

CITIZEN REQUEST FOR ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT/COMPOST BUSINESS – Mr. Boger reported that Mr. Eric Walter, President, BlackBear Composting, has expressed an interest in locating his food waste composting business in Nelson County. He noted that the county’s zoning ordinance does not have a definition that allows for a composting business. Mr. Boger presented Bedford County’s definition, “COMPOSTING – The agricultural process by which organic wastes (i.e. yard trimmings, food wastes, manures) are combined in proper ratios; adding bulking agents (i.e. wood chips), as necessary, to provide air space; controlling temperature, moisture, and oxygen to achieve accelerated decomposition; thus producing a stable humus material.” Mr. Boger said that the issues would include noise, smell and leachate among others.

Mr. Walter said that he is looking for property in Nelson with the operation taking 2-3 acres. He said that he is looking for approximately 40 acres though to serve as a large buffer for the operation. Mr. Walter said that the system would be for 6-foot wide, three-foot tall winrows of food waste mixed with bulk agents such as wood chips. He said that the business could utilize food waste from restaurants, schools, etc and would require DEQ permits and monitoring.

After discussion, Supervisors voted 5-0 to direct staff to work with the Planning Commission to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to include a composting facility.

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Mr. Carter reported on the following:

– Courthouse Project – initial insulation and drywall has begun in the new facility; substantial work done on new parking lot with paving expected by end of 2010 or beginning of 2011. Wiley Wilson is working on finalizing design of second floor connector between 1940’s and 1960’s courthouse additions; design of renovation of the Health Department Building; and the space allocation for the reuse of space when the new court facility is completed.

– Broadband Project – Icon Engineering will conduct meetings next week with companies interested in operating the broadband backbone and possibly providing services. Notices are being sent to approximately 300 property owners to obtain permission to hang the fiber optic cable on CVEC utility poles located on their properties.

– Biosolids – Initial walk through by County, DEQ and Synagro staff of the five farms permitted for biosolid application was not completed due to access issues. The walk through is being rescheduled.

BOARD REPORTS – Mr. Bruguiere reported that he and Mr. Hale met with representatives of Mountain View Brewery and the Nelson County Service Authority, noting that the biggest hurdle is that the Service Authority cannot handle any of the liquid effluent from the brewing process. He noted that the initial cost for pre-treatment is $120,000-$150,000 with costs going up to enlarge the pre-treatment system as brewing increases. Mr. Bruguiere said that Mr. Crandall is looking at options but also looking at locations outside the county.

SPECIAL EXCEPTION/VERIZON CLASS II COMMUNICATION TOWER – Mr. Boger reported that the applicant submitted an application for a 91-foot metal tower on Pine Trail which was approved by the Planning Commission at the September meeting. The Planning Commission granted a waiver for the landscaping requirements as the site is heavily wooded and recommended approval of a Special Exception to Section 20-13 to reduce the fall zone from the required 115 feet to 50 feet. Mr. Boger noted that the applicant has submitted a letter from an engineer stating that the tower has been designed to collapse upon itself. With no public comment, Supervisors voted 5-0 to grant the Special Exception.

NORTH ROCKFISH RIVER STUDY – Ms. Jennifer Patterson reported that the DEQ lists the North Rockfish River as an impaired waterway. With the study initiated by the Central Blue Ridge Virginia Master Naturalist Chapter and grant funding from the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund, volunteers undertook a physical assessment of the River utilizing notes, photos and testing. The information will be used to aid in community and landowner education. The entire study can be reviewed online at

APPOINTMENTS – Supervisors voted 4-0 (Mr. Tommy Bruguiere abstained) to appoint Mr. John Bruguiere to fill an unexpired term on the Economic Development Authority.

Meeting adjourned.

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This report was made possible by the generous donations of Rural Nelson members and supporters. We need your help to continue this service. Please consider donating.

Kim Taylor Cash

Field Officer

Rural Nelson, Inc.

P. O. Box 401

Lovingston, VA 22949



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