Rockfish Valley Ruritan Club 60th Anniversary : 9.18.10 @ 2PM


The Rockfish Valley Ruritan Club will be celebrating its 60th anniversary on September 18th at the Rockfish Valley Volunteer Fire and Rescue Dept. Dr. Robert Raynor, who practiced in Nelson Co, for 50 years, will be the keynote speaker and will address the role the Ruritan Club played in bringing a medical center to Nelson. Program will be followed by a meal. Tickets are $10.00 each for the event. Choice of roast beef or bar-b-cue chicken.

Event Date: Saturday 18th of September 2010 02:00 PM

Location/Address: RVVFD, 11100 Rockfish Valley Highway (Route 151)

Contact Telephone Please call 434-361-9349 for more information


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