International Wine and Food Festival : 9.4.10



Travel the wine world without leaving Central Virginia. Wintergreen Performing Arts presents an International Wine and Food Festival atop the cool mountain at Wintergreen Resort. Explore and compare wines from around the world and, of course, Virginia. Ethnic food will be available to accompany the wines. Proceeds support the extensive performance and educational activities of Wintergreen Performing Arts. Tickets will not be sold in advance; they will be available at the Evans Center Box Office on the day of the event.

Location: The Evans Center at Wintergreen Resort
Date: Saturday, September 4, 2010
Time: Noon – 5:30 pm
Ticket Price: $20 includes souvenir glass; food tastings additional
Further information: (434) 325-8292;;

Event Date: Saturday 4th of September 2010 12:00 PM

Location/Address: Evans Center at Wintergreen Resort

Contact Telephone Please call (434) 325-8292 for more information