Construction Underway At Virginia Distillery Co Near Lovingston : 8.6.10

Photos Courtesy VIrginia Distilery Company : Within the past two weeks, concrete has been poured at The Virginia Distillery Company just north of Lovingston, VA.
Photos Courtesy Virginia Distillery Company : Within the past two weeks, concrete has been poured at The Virginia Distillery Company just north of Lovingston, VA.

Nelson County, Virginia

We’ve been telling you about the progress of a new addition to Nelson’s booming wine, beer, and spirit’s industry. Virginia Distillery Company, just north of Lovingston is now on the fast track of construction.

In July, crews began pouring concrete for the 24,000 square foot facility.

Concrete being poured at VDC in July 2010.
Concrete being poured at VDC in July 2010.

VDC will eventually be distilling both single and double malt whiskeys at its facility just north of Lovingston.

Keep looking for more updates!

Virginia Distillery Company on the web: