nTelos Nears Completion Of New Beech Grove Site : 7.27.10

©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : The newsest nTelos antenna can be seen off in the distance just above the tree line over the west entrance rooftop at Devils Backbone in Beech Grove. Click to enlarge.
©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : The newest nTelos antenna can be seen off in the distance just above the tree line over the west entrance rooftop at Devils Backbone in Beech Grove. Click to enlarge.

Beech Grove/Roseland
For several weeks now crews have been working to complete the latest addition to the nTelos Wireless network in Nelson County. The latest site in Beech Grove near the intersection of 664 & 151 should be completed and active soon. nTelos has been on an aggressive plan to add additional sites to the already established ones.

The most recent site was put up in February 2009 along Route 151 just across from the Rockfish Presbyterian Church. Two additional sites are on the mountain at Wintergreen, one overlooking the Rockfish Valley, another on Devils Knob. Other sites are already scattered across other portions of the county.

The new Beech Grove location will provide regular cellular service in additon to enhanced data services for aircards and smartphones.
The new Beech Grove location will provide regular cellular service in addition to enhanced data services for aircards and smartphones.

The new site is expected to be on-air in the next few weeks, and will greatly enhance service in that area.

To learn more or demo a phone you can email: apesajo@ntelos.com

Or call him @ 540.457.2000


  1. Thanks, nTelos, for investing in Nelson County. Verizon coverage on the top of Wintergreen has dwindled down to almost nothing and even the minicell (technically, a femtocell) I put in my house on the top of Wintergreen no longer works.


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