Hope’s Legacy Equine Rescue Holds 1st Annual Fun Show : 7.25.10

Photo BY Tommy Stafford : ©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Hayley Osborne ( one of our NCL photographers) dropped the camera and hopped on her horse, Moseley, this past Saturday to snag a blue ribbon in the Egg & Spoon Race category at the 1st Annual Hope's Legacy Rescue Fun Day held at Rockfish Ruritian Park. Click to enlarge.
Photo BY Tommy Stafford : ©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Hayley Osborne ( one of our NCL photographers) dropped the camera and hopped on her horse, Moseley, this past Saturday to snag a blue ribbon in the Egg & Spoon Race category at the 1st Annual Hope's Legacy Rescue Fun Day held at Rockfish Ruritian Park. Click to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

In spite of a 102° high temperature Saturday afternoon, the 1st Annual Hope’s Legacy Rescue Fun Show was a complete success. We told you about the new project in our July issue of Nelson County Life, page 22.

Maya Proulx (left) founder of Hope's Legacy chats it up on a hot Saturday morning at this year's Rescue Fun Day.
Maya Proulx (left) founder of Hope's Legacy chats it up on a hot Saturday morning at this year's Rescue Fun Day.

Hunter classes began at 9:00 a.m. and games throughout the afternoon/ Classes consisted of Green, Beginner and Junior Hunter, Short Stirrup, and “casual” Beginner, Green, Junior and Adult Hunter classes.

The afternoon consisted of leadline, Egg and Spoon Race, Walking Race, Potato Race, Pole Bending, Sack Race, Walk, Trot, Canter and Lead Race, Phone Book Race, and the always exciting Ride-A-Buck. The Rockfish Ruritans also had their famous BBQ chicken on hand for a yummy lunch!

To learn more about Hope’s Legacy, email Maya: hopeslegacy@hotmal.com


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