Dr. Levine and the Dreaded Blues Lady In the Cabaret @Hamner Theater


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Dr. Levine and the Dreaded Blues Lady

.the blues… with slide and finger picking guitar…

Music 7:30 pm, Doors/Bar 6:30 pm.
Tickets are $20, or 2 for $35, includes food by Claudia Gibson.
Reservations (required) 434-361-1999.

Lori Strother, the ‘Dreaded Blues Lady’, can’t remember a time when she wasn’t singing. She has been performing her interpretation of acoustic blues since the early 1990’s, in venues including church fellowship halls, coffee houses, college campuses, bars, and chicken shacks.

Dr. Stephen Levine is a historian who studies and teaches classes that focus on the evolution and cultural significance of blues music in the United States. As a guitarist, he is particularly interested in slide and finger picking styles that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s, including Piedmont and Mississippi Delta Blues.

The Hamner Theatre Cabaret Performance Series offers great entertainment in a dinner club setting with fine wine, beer, and food. Doors open at 6:30pm, and the show begins at 7:30pm. Tickets, which include food by Cladua Gibson, are $20 or 2 for $35, in advance (reservations required). For information, phone (434)361.1999.

Event Date: Saturday 10th of April 2010 06:30 PM

Location/Address: Hamner Theater

Contact Telephone Please call 434 361 1999 for more information