A Touch Of Spring At Blue Mountain Brewery : 3.9.10

All Photos By Paul Purpura : ©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Stan Driver, owner of Riverside Nursery, works on getting this year's hops in the ground at Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton.
All Photos By Paul Purpura : ©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Stan Driver, owner of Riverside Nursery, works on getting this year's hops in the ground at Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton.

Nelson County, Virginia

Temps made it to the middle 60’s Monday afternoon in the Rockfish Valley of Nelson County, and people that have been waiting on the warmer weather made use of it! Our Paul Purpura caught up with Stan Driver, owner of Riverside Horticulture & Nursery in Nellysford, getting the ground ready and putting in hops at Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton.

Flags mark the area in the hop field.
Flags mark the area in the hop field.

Last summer we showed you what they look like being harvested at maturity.

Many of the hop plants going in now will produce hops that will be used in beers made on location at Blue Mountain Brewery.
Many of the hop plants going in now will produce hops that will be used in beers made on location at Blue Mountain Brewery.

Blue Mountain Brewery was Nelson’s first microbrewery opening to the public back in October 2007.

Sunny warm weather continues Tuesday, with chances for rain in the forecast for the remainder of the week.



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