Community Workers’ Day 2009 : Thank You!


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Rockfish River Elementary School would like to thank everyone who made this year’s Community Workers’ Day a huge success…again! The rain held off until after our preschool through second graders visited 17 different community workers who brought work vehicles including a ladder fire truck, a well drilling truck, and a snow plow. We would especially like to thank the following people for their help in organization, planning, and participation in our yearly event: Donald Mays, VDOT; Dirk van Assendelft, Wintergreen Ski Patrol; Troopers Donald Hughes, Tim Knight, and Daniel Wilson, Virginia State Police; Major Jennifer Martin, Sgt. Chad Brookshanks, and Specialist Mike Sims, Virginia National Guard; Jason Purvis, CVEC; Robbie Hubbard, Wintergreen Fire Department; Deputies Mike Pappas and Helene Dodge and Orso, Nelson County Sheriff’s Dept.; Kenneth Lee and Teresa Davis, Rockfish Valley Rescue Squad; Jim Truslow and Andy Spitler, Rockfish Valley Fire Dept.; Matthew Painter, Phi Aircare V; Martha Warring and Houston Roberts, Virginia Dept. of Forestry; Susan and Ray Fitzgerald, Ray Fitzgerald Excavating ; David McGann, McGann Well Drilling; Bill Jackson; Chris Neese and Buck Eutsler, Bryant Paving/Racing; Brad Hunziker and Jeff Tyree, Verizon; Stuart Harris and Jay Harris, Front Street Garage; Sandy Solar and Carla Thompson, Nelson County Animal Control; Anna Brogan, Todd Johnson, Sam Kurtz, and Amy DeBilzan. We can’t do without the support of our community!

Event Date: Friday 23rd of October 2009 08:30 AM

Location/Address: 200 Chapel Hollow Road, Afton, VA 22920

Contact Telephone Please call 434-361-1791 for more information


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