More Rainy Weather, But Very Nice By Late Week! : 4.14.09

Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2009 NCL Magazine : A couple strolls along the beach at Virginia Beach, Virginia this past weekend.
Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2009 NCL Magazine : A couple strolls along the beach at Virginia Beach, Virginia this past weekend.

Nelson County, Virginia
Thanks to Paul Purpura for the shot above to get our minds off of the rainy, damp, and cold weather we have been having lately. Paul spent Easter in the eastern part of the state and grabbed this shot along the oceanfront. Unfortunately we will be putting up with another 24 to 36 hours of rain before some substantial improvement moves in. However, by this weekend, we are looking at sunny skies and temps around 70°.

You can listen to Tommy’s Audiio weather by clicking on the player above or by clicking here.


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