BPL : Martins Store Substation Update : 4.10.09

Map provided by IBEC. Click on map above for larger version.
Map provided by IBEC. Click on map above for larger version.

Nelson County, Virginia

Martins Store Substation BPL Update
April 10, 2009

Several customers have requested a map of the various headends so that when we mention progress on the various headends you have a better understanding of where we are talking about. This is more difficult than you might imagine since the electric grid does not always follow the roads and overlaying the grid on a map in a different format is not easy. The maps below are our first attempt. The first map outlines the various headends on the electric grid and has black lines for the three major roads. The line running north through Afton 1, 2, and 3 and Southwest through Nellysford is Rockfish Valley Highway (151); The line running Southwest to Northeast into Albemarle County is Highway 29 and the line connecting the two is Highway 6. The second map is a road map with the headends drawn in the same colors. We will continue to try and make the map easier to read.
We also wish to clarify a statement made last week, which has been pointed out by some of you as being misleading. When we stated that a number of new customers had been brought online during the week we did not mean that these were totally new signups, but just customers that had not previously been connected. Customers are being brought online as their segment of the network is configured and working, not in any other order, although those that signed up later than others may not yet have their CAUs installed and therefore may not be brought online at the same time as earlier signups.
We had an issue with the Afton 1 headend this week brought about by a unintentional network loop. Without trying to explain a network loop, suffice it to say that this caused the entire headend to come down until our engineers diagnosed and corrected the problem. We are continuing to make progress with the number of customers online doubling this week.

As always we thank you for your patience and want you to know that IBEC is committed to getting everyone online and surfing happily.

IBEC Customer Service


  1. This is the company that is handling a pretty technical install and THIS is the best map they can pull off? Scary. The updates from IBEC over the past month have really shown their “creativity” in explaining the situation. A whole lot of fuzzy expressions to build up hope, which turn out to be thin.

    Definitely coming off less and less professional every week. Ugh.

  2. Hello everyone,
    After being down for a few weeks, my BPL started working again yesterday. My speeds are averaging around 320kbps down and about 180kbps up. Latency is pretty good…around 100ms average.

    As I continue to test for IBEC and for you, I will let you know how it is going. Let me know if you have any questions, etc. about your service. We may be able to get you in touch with the right person.
    Happy Easter!


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