April “Snow” Showers Bring May Flowers?? : 4.8.09

©2009 NCL Magazine : Photos By Paul Purpura : A rare April Snow blankets Wintergreen Mountain at sunrise Wednesday morning.
©2009 NCL Magazine : Photos By Paul Purpura : A rare April Snow blankets Wintergreen Mountain at sunrise Wednesday morning.

Wintergreen Mountain
Nelson County, Virginia

The calendar says Spring, but mother nature says, not so fast! Out Paul Purpura grabbed these shots early Wednesday morning of a light snow that blanketed the mountain at Wintergreen Resort Thanks Paul! This is neat!

The snow that fell was barely measurable, but still pretty!
The snow that fell was barely measurable, but still pretty!
Though certainly not unheard of, April snows are rare and become more rare as we near mid-April.
Though certainly not unheard of, April snows are rare and become more rare as we near mid-April.
Some roof tops in the valley had snow on them as well, but the bulk of snow fell on the mountain.
Some roof tops in the valley had snow on them as well, but the bulk of snow fell on the mountain.

With abundant sunshine, most of the snow will melt away today. Warmer temperatures are on the way later this week with a chance for thunderstorms by Friday afternoon. Check it all out over in Tommy’s Weather by clicking here or on the audio player up above.



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