Multiple Fatality Accident On U.S 29 In N. Nelson County, VA : 2.15.09

The general area of the fatal accident just inside the Nelson County, Virginia Line on US 29 South of the Albermarle County Line. Map courtesy of
The general area of the fatal accident just inside the Nelson County, Virginia Line on US 29 South of the Albermarle County Line. Map courtesy of

U.S. 29 Southbound
Near the Albermarle-Nelson County, Virginia Line

Updated 12:35PM EST
NCL Web Edition has confirmed a multiple a two person fatality auto accident is currently being worked on Route U.S. 29 Southbound just inside Nelson County, Virginia south of the Albermarle County Line. “As I understand it, this was a car that flipped over down an embankment and there are two fatalities. Another victim is being flown out by Pegasus,” Nelson County Sheriff, David Brooks told NCL just before noon Sunday. Brooks says information is very fluid right now and hard facts are few at the moment. The sheriff went on to say he believes the car has out of state tags in it and is not local. His officers in addition to Virginia State Police, (VSP) and other area agencies are on the scene at this hour.

©2009 NCL Web Edition : The scene on U.S. 29 near the Nelson/Albemarle line.
©2009 NCL Web Edition : The scene on U.S. 29 near the Nelson/Albemarle line.

A medical examiner has been called to the scene by VSP which confirms preliminary information that it is a fatal accident.


  1. I would like to give thanks to all the Fire and Rescue members today for the very hard job they had. This accident had only 2 people in the car and both expired at the scene. The Faber Fire Department, Nelson Rescue, Wintergreen Rescue, North garden Fire and Rescue and Virginia State Police did a great job dealing with everything. As the Emergency Services coordinator of Nelson County it is very good to know we have such a strong base of people who commit to doing everything they can to save livess in this County. I am thankfull for thir quick response, and commitment to thier work.
    Since Virginia State Police is working this accident I am not able to say much about this accident, but I do want to thank the members of Fire and Rescue for they very hard work they do.

  2. We agree Ray. The fire and rescue teams in this area do an outstanding job and and outstanding job of coordinating with each other. Being a former EMA director and law enforcement administrator myself from back in Tennessee, I can appreciate the gravity of coordinating all of that!

    We are very blessed to have a great group of folks working together here in the Nelson area.


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