Board Of Supervisors 2.10.09


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

PRESENT: Mr. Allen Hale, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere and Mr. Joe Dan Johnson
ABSENT: Ms. Connie Brennan and Mr. Tommy Harvey

VDOT REPORT – Mr. Kevin Wright presented an updated Six-Year Plan based on
new budget numbers. The revised plan includes:

Regular Construction Projects –
– Installation of a turn lane for Rt. 634 (Old Roberts Mountain Road and
Rt. 6 West)-fully funded
– Intersection improvement for Rt. 639 (Laurel Road and Rt. 6 East)-fully
– Removal from plan after reduction of speed limit – intersection
improvement/left turn lane for Rt. 613 Rodes Farm Dr & Tuckahoe Ln and Rt.
– Reconstruction of Rt. 617 (Rockfish River Road) in Schuyler-funds

Unpaved Construction Projects –
– Rt. 627 Glenthorne Loop-fully funded
– Rt. 661 Phoenix Road-fully funded
– Rt. 611 Ennis Mountain Road-pending transfer, should be fully funded
– Rt. 721 Greenfield Drive-pending transfer, should be fully funded
– Rt. 641 Eades Lane-pending transfer, should be fully funded
– Rt. 807 Parrish Lane-pending transfer, should be fully funded
All other projects removed from plan due to lack of available funding.

STATE OF THE SENIORS REPORT – The Senior Advisory Committee reported on the
issues facing seniors in Nelson, noting that seniors (60 and over) comprise
25.08% of the population in the county. They reviewed current health care,
meals, housing, transportation, home care and safety issues and then noted
expected needs for the coming year including expanded dental care,
additional home-delivered meals, more affordable housing units, increased
transportation services and expanded home care.

Trustees of the Cove Valley Recreation Center have meet and plan to have
documents for the county’s purchase of the site available for Board review
soon. Mr. Carter asked the Board if they want Wiley Wilson to again design
the site, noting that staff has talked with that group about eliminating the
“over-design” that became a problem with the Massies Mill and Shipman sites.
Mr. Hale said that he would like to see a cost estimate for the design work
before going forward.

BROADBAND/WIRELESS AUTHORITY – Supervisors tabled discussion pending receipt
of the final broadband report expected at the end of this month.

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Mr. Carter reported on the following:

– Piney River 3 Project – completion expected end of March;
– Hightop Tower Project – a question has arisen as to whether construction
of a tower is allowed on the Nature Conservancy property under the
conservation easement held by VA Outdoors Foundation. The county is working
with Central VA Electric Cooperative to determine if the proposed tower can
be constructed under their existing easement/lease agreement without
approval by the Nature Conservancy or VA Outdoors Foundation.
– Biosolids – provided a copy of the latest edition of Biosolids News
which included a summary of the findings of the Expert Panel created in 2007
by the General Assembly concluding that “the application of biosolids to
farmland and forests in the Commonwealth represents little risk to human
health or the environment and that biosolids should be viewed as a
‘resource’ rather than a waste product.” (NOTE: The full report is
available at Mr. Carter noted that the county’s
biosolids inspector is monitoring the Nelson County Service Authority’s
application of biosolids on land in Roseland.
– Budget – presented expected Compensation Board salary/benefit
reimbursement shortfalls resulting in local costs of approximately $400,000
for constitutional officers and their staff in addition to an expected 7-10%
FY10 cuts proposed by the Governor. Staff plans to present the draft budget
on February 26th and ask Supervisors to schedule work sessions at that time.

applied to renew their permit of January 10, 2006 for a vegetative rubbish
recycling facility located at the rear of their farm at 175 Rhue Hollow Road
in Roseland. Mr. Boger reported on the county’s annual reviews of the
operation, noting no serious issues. Mr. Boger also noted receipt of no
objections from neighbors to the renewal of the permit. With no Public
Comment, Supervisors voted 3-0 to approve the permit with the following

1. The operation is limited to the structures as shown on the site plan
approved on January 18, 2006 with the grinder located a minimum of 200 feet
from any property line.
2. If any part of the permit is declared invalid by a court, the permit
shall be void.
3. The permit is valid for 3 years with an annual review.
4. Grinding will take place no more than five days in each 12-month period
and between 8am and 5pm Monday through Friday only.
5. Mulch and compost generated by the operation are to remain in the
designated area.
6. The applicant must report the total tonnage of recycled material to the
County annually.
7. 80% of the mulch from stump grinding must be removed within one year as
per DEQ regulations.
8. The Planning Director is to amend the site plan to reflect the changes
to the conditions.

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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