Nelson Sheriff Candidate Announces Pick For Number 2 In Administration : Updated 5.25.23

Photo via Embrey Campaign : In this 2001 photo then Virginia State Trooper Glenn Phillips and Trooper Mark Embrey pose for a photo. Embrey has named Phillips as his Chief Deputy should he be successful in his bid for Nelson County Sheriff in November 2023.

Nelson County, Virginia

Scroll down below for 5.25.23 update.

In a release to media organizations and on social media, Nelson native and sheriff candidate, Mark Embrey, announced his pick for chief deputy should he be successful in his November 2023 election. As we told you in this story (linked here) Embrey made his candidacy for sheriff official back on March 16, 2023 before a crowd of supporters in Schuyler, Virginia.

Below is the official announcement released by the Embrey campaign late in the day on May 23rd. In the release, Glenn Phillips, is named as Chief Deputy should Embrey be successful in his bid for Nelson County Sheriff. Phillips is well known across the law enforcement community having most recently served as the director of the Skyline Drug Task Force.

The election for Nelson County Sheriff is held on November 7, 2023. Several other local office elections will be held on that day as well.

As of 9:30 AM Wednesday morning, 5.24.23, current incumbent Sheriff David Hill has not filed a petition for re-election according to our phone call with Nelson County Election Registrar, Jackie Britt. When Hill does file or officially announce we will publish that update.

UPDATED : 5.25.23 10:15 AM :
After our story published on May 24th at 10:09 AM we were told and have confirmed that incumbent Nelson County Sheriff David Hill went to the election registrar’s office shortly in Nelson and filed his petition for re-election during the early afternoon. In our 5.25.23 phone call to Registrar Jackie Britt she confirmed receiving the filing petition.

The deadline for filing in that race is 7PM – June 20, 2023.


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