Spreading The Love

The crew at Ski Barn in Nelson County at the foot of Wintergreen decided to spread a little of the Virginia Love this week. On Wednesday they constructed the sign in from of the store at Route 664 & 151 in Roseland / Beech Grove. May 8, 2019.
The crew at Ski Barn in Nelson County, at the foot of Wintergreen, decided to spread a little of the Virginia Love this week. On Wednesday they constructed the sign in from of the store at Route 664 & 151 in Roseland / Beech Grove. May 8, 2019.

Beech Grove / Roseland
Nelson County, Virginia

The crew from Ski Barn at Wintergreen decided to put a different twist on the whole Virginia LOVE campaign that’s spread all across the state. They made one of the LOVE signs out of old ski equipment.

Old ski boots and other types of ski equipment were used to put the LOVE letters together in front of The Ski Barn At Wintergreen.

“I ran out of other ideas to do with the old damaged equipment. I take pictures with them everywhere, I Love them! I finally had an O-piphany,” Nikki Chambers tells us. Nikki is the long time manager of Ski Barn.

Old ski safety helmets were used to make the letter O in the LOVE sign in front of Ski Barn At Wintergreen.

If you want to go by and see it the display and even take a photo in front of it, Nikki says it will be up for a long time. So drop on by!

Trivia, Ski Barn at Wintergreen is one of the locations where we have a live BRL WeatherNow station. You can check out the weather online there at the foot of Wintergreen 24/7. Here’s the link, and we have embedded a widget above as well!


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