Augusta County, Virginia

The Virginia Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing concerning the proposed location and design of the Waynesboro Southern Corridor in the city of Waynesboro. The meeting will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, August 14, 2018, in the Yancey Municipal Building, 503 West Main Street, Waynesboro, VA  22980.


Citizens can come in during the meeting hours and discuss the project on a one-on-one basis with VDOT officials and designers. Written comments can be submitted at the meeting or within 10 days after the meeting date to Thomas Marando Jr., P.E., Project Manager, Virginia Department of Transportation, 811 Commerce Road, Staunton, VA  24401-9029. Oral comments can be recorded at the meeting with the assistance of a court reporter.


The proposed Waynesboro Southern Corridor is a 1.6-mile two-lane road with a shared use path within the city limits of Waynesboro. It is positioned south of Interstate 64 between exit 94 at Rosser Avenue (Route 340) and exit 96 at South Delphine Avenue (Route 624). It will create a direct, multi-modal connection between Rosser Avenue and South Delphine Avenue.


The new corridor extends Shenandoah Village Drive east, crossing Lyndhurst Road at a mini roundabout. The corridor then follows the existing North Oak Lane to the South River, continues on a new roadway location through Nature’s Crossing Technology Center (Exit 96 Industrial Park), and ends at an intersection with South Delphine Avenue.


The Waynesboro Southern Corridor is designed to alleviate congestion at I-64 exits 94 and 96, while improving access to numerous industrial, commercial and residential properties in the southern portion of Waynesboro.


The total estimated cost for this project is $17.3 million, including $2.7 million for preliminary engineering, $1.2 million for right of way and $13.4 million for construction.


The Commonwealth Transportation Board in June 2016 selected the Waynesboro Southern Corridor for full funding through the SMART SCALE prioritization process, which objectively scores transportation projects using several data-driven measures.


Additional information about the Waynesboro Southern Corridor is found on the VDOT project page: http://www.virginiadot.org/projects/staunton/waynesboro_southern_corridor.asp


The VDOT Staunton District serves Frederick, Shenandoah, Clarke, Warren, Page, Rockingham, Augusta, Highland, Rockbridge, Alleghany and Bath counties.


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