Lovingston : Nelson Assistant Superintendent Confirms To BRL Threat Made This Week At NCHS

Above is the email Yvette Stafford, Publisher of BRL, received late Thursday evening. This was after a request to provide information on a threat made earlier this week at Nelson County High School. You can click on the photo above to enlarge.
Above is the email Yvette Stafford, Publisher of BRL, received late Thursday evening. This was after a request to provide information on a threat made earlier this week at Nelson County High School. We have opted to post the email in its entirety to be clear on what the officials say happened. You can click on the photo above to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

For the past couple of days rumors have been swirling around about threats made at Nelson County High School. Apparently, it coincidentally happend at the same time a malfunction occurred with their fire alarm system this week.

“Our maintenance foreman was working on the fire alarm and inadvertently tripped it. An announcement was made that it was a false alarm and that students were to remain in place. The alarm did startle some students and give cause for concern though there was no emergency need to evacuate the building. We do regret that this happened especially after such recent tragic events.” Shannon T. Irvin, Assistant Superintendent for Administration

To set the record straight after countless emails, phone calls, and Facebook messages from parents to BRL, we reached out to school officials and received the email above at the top of this story.


  1. Lets make sure “Sharon” knows who actually tripped the alarm and voices a public apology before going viral with misinformation.

  2. Lets make sure “Shannon” knows who actually tripped the alarm and voices a public apology before going viral with misinformation.


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