Nelson : Shipman : Fire Crews Battle Train Engine Compartment Fire

Via Google Maps : Area fire crews responded to secondary engine compartment fire on a train in Shipman around 6:30 PM Wednesday evening . May 3, 2017

Nelson County, Virginia

Around 6:30 PM Wednesday evening crews from Lovingston Fire, Roseland Rescue, Nelson Career EMS, and Nelson Sheriff’s Office responded to a call in Shipman where a train engine compartment was on fire. “Units arrived on scene to find smoke coming from the secondary engine. The train was blocking Route 56 (James River Road) at Craigtown Road,” Captain Derek Kidd of Lovingston Volunteer Fire Department told BRL Wednesday evening.

A secondary engine is another train engine behind the main one when the load being pulled is very heavy.

Captain Kidd said personnel were able to contain and extinguish the fire in the engine compartment using dry chemical extinguishers.

The roadway is back open and all emergency personnel have cleared the scene.


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