Former Nelson County Sheriff Pleads To Two Counts : Will Not Serve Jail Time (Via CBS-19 & WDBJ-7)

Nelson County Sheriff David Brooks told his staff first and then BRLM today they he will retire at the end of his term of office on December 31, 2015.

Lynchburg, Virginia

“A former Nelson County Sheriff has entered a plea that prosecutors say will effectively end his law enforcement career.
According to WDBJ, David Brooks entered Alford pleas on Monday to malfeasance and illegally disseminating images of another person.
An Alford plea means Brooks maintains his innocence while admitting there is enough evidence to convict him. In exchange, counts of illegal filming and a felony count of embezzlement were dropped.”

Previous history here.

More details below from WDBJ-7 or above from CBS-19 Charlottesville.


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