It’s Official! : Deal Closing Between Devils Backbone Brewing and ABInBev



Nelson County, Virginia

As BRL first told you in this story back on April 12th of this year, Devils Backbone Brewing would be selling to AB InBev. (Anheuser-Busch is all part of the sister companies and holdings)

“ABInBev will be taking control of 90% interest in the company,” Steve Crandall, founder of Devils Backbone told us late Tuesday when he announced the deal is finally closing on Wednesday – September 7, 2016.

“The Department of Justice had to review the acquisition for any conflicts before it could be final. That took about 4 months,” Steve went on to say.

Until the merger, many long term construction projects and other expansions had been put on hold. With the closure Steve says it’s full steam ahead. “One of the many plans is building a 2.5 million dollar distillery. We’ve had those plans in the works for a long time. Now the construction can begin.”

Steve says initially in the coming months people won’t see much difference other than many construction projects underway. But much more is ahead around the one year mark from the closure of the deal.

“We’re excited for out company, our employees and the communities we serve. And certainly for our fans. Jason Oliver, our head brewer from day one, has some really neat innovations in the works.”

BRL will have much more on this in the coming days.


  1. Sorry for the technical oversight Tara. We were trying to get the firsthand account of the closing from the founder and obviously didn’t do our “craft brewing holding company” research. Making the correction so readers better understand the hierarchy of the ownership. Thanks!


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