Wintergreen : Chief 2 – Dobie Fish Retires After More Than 3 Decades On The Job With Wintergreen Fire

©2009-2016 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Wintergreen Fire Chief 2, Dobie Fish in a photo from our 2009 issue of the magazine. IN that story we highlighted his passing 3 decades on the job.
©2009-2016 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Wintergreen Fire Chief 2, Dobie Fish in a photo from our 2009 issue of the magazine. IN that story we highlighted his passing 3 decades on the job.
©2009-2016 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Wintergreen Fire Chief 2, Dobie Fish in a photo from our 2009 issue of the magazine. IN that story we highlighted his passing 3 decades on the job.

Nelson County, Virginia

For over 3 decades Dobie Fish has been on the job at Wintergreen Fire & Rescue. This month Dobie (Chief 2 – the assistant fire chief) is putting down the helmet and retiring. He’s been the asistant chief since 2009.

Above, our April 2009 (from then Nelson County Life Magazine) story on Dobie Fish celebrating 30 years on the job. Click above to read.

Great showing for the retirement party for Chief 2…

Posted by Wintergreen Fire & Rescue on Sunday, February 7, 2016

Recently all of Dobie’s friends and coworkers held a retirement dinner for him and presented him with an encased fire ax as a parting gift. See WF&R pics above from their Facebook album.

Above more photos from our April 2009 photo shoot with Chief 2 Dobie Fish and some other photos by WF&R of events Chief Fish was on the scene of.

Congrats Dobie and enjoy your retirement!


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