Busy Weekend Of Events Winds Down

Copyright 2015 : Blue Ridge Life Magazine : A sunny weekend and clar skies brought out thousands for events all over the Blue Ridge.
Copyright 2015 : Blue Ridge Life Magazine : A sunny weekend and clar skies brought out thousands for events all over the Blue Ridge.
Copyright 2015 : Blue Ridge Life Magazine : A sunny weekend and clear skies brought out thousands for events all over the Blue Ridge.

Central Virginia Blue Ridge
With temps around 70 degrees both Saturday & Sunday, it made the perfect weekend events that started kicking off for the Spring season and warmer days ahead!

Click on the Facebook images below to see more photos from the weekend of events!

Our Shay Munroe got in on the muddy action during the Pit Of Dreams Mud Bog held Saturday at the Rockfish Valley Volunteer Fire Department in Afton.
Our Shay Munroe got in on the muddy action during the Pit Of Dreams Mud Bog held Saturday at the Rockfish Valley Volunteer Fire Department in Afton.
On Sunday the Rockfish Valley Foundation held their annual Kite Festival at Bold Rock Field just south of Nellysford. BRLM has been a sponsor of the kite festival since the beginning.
On Sunday the Rockfish Valley Foundation held their annual Kite Festival at Bold Rock Field just south of Nellysford. Kim Chappell in our sales division was there snapping away some great photos! BRLM has been a sponsor of the kite festival since the beginning.
Over in Waynesboro, Kim was busy there on Saturday visiting with folks at the annual fly fishing festival.
Over in Waynesboro, Kim was busy there on Saturday visiting with folks at the annual fly fishing festival.
Back in Nelson our Kat Turner got the really tough assignment of making it our to the season opener of the Nelson Farmer Market Coop. #somebodyhadtodoit
Back in Nelson our Kat Turner got the really tough assignment of making it our to the season opener of the Nelson Farmer Market Coop. #somebodyhadtodoit
On Saturday, Corkscrew Racing also held their Be Bold Rock 7K Trail Run at Bold Rock Hard Cider. BRLM is a proud sponsor  of the Corkscrew Racing series.
On Saturday, Corkscrew Racing also held their Be Bold Rock 7K Trail Run at Bold Rock Hard Cider. BRLM is a proud sponsor of the Corkscrew Racing series. Kim grabbed these shots too. Phew!

Lots more happened over the weekend. Be looking for more events posted early this week!

Here’s to warm weather and warmer days ahead!


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