Nelson: Lawmen Looking For Suspect In Overnight Holdup : Updated 2.2.15


Above: Nelson County Sheriff’s investigators have released the following video from the Wednesday evening armed robbery of Patrick Brothers Grocery (formerly Smalls Grocery) in Afton, VA. Any that might recognize the robber is asked to call investigators at 434.263.7050.

Nelson County, Virginia

Updated 11:30 AM 2.2.15
Nelson Chief Investigator Billy Mays tells BRLM that his department has cultivated numerous good leads in the search for the person responsible for last week’s armed robbery at Patrick Brothers Grocery. Mays said he expects more positive information as this week unfolds.

Photo Via NCSD: Investigators released this photo on January 30th saying this is a possible suspect car in the robbery t Patrick Brothers Grocery.  Click on image to enlarge.
Photo Via NCSD: Investigators released this photo on January 30th saying this is a possible suspect car in the robbery t Patrick Brothers Grocery. Click on image to enlarge.

Original story from 10:30 AM 1.29.15
Nelson County investigators are looking for the person responsible for a Wednesday night holdup at Patrick Brothers Grocery in Afton. “Around 9PM Wednesday night an unknown male, possibly Hispanic, came into the store with a gun,” said Lt. Billy Mays, Chief Investigator with the Nelson County Sheriff’s Department.

Mays said the clerk described the robber wearing a heavy dark coat with red bandanna covering his face.

“The suspect demanded the cashier empty the cash drawer, then fled on foot to the north,” Lt. Mays added.

The sheriff’s office requested a tracking dog from Augusta County and was able to track for a short distance.

The investigation continues and deputies will be checking the area today for more evidence.

Lt. Mays is asking anyone with information or that perhaps saw something suspicious, to please call the sheriff’s office at: 434.263.7050


  1. this is just a hunch but if he fled on foot he’s probably a migrant worker from one of the nearby farms…


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