Waltons’ Creator Earl Hamner Back In His Hometown Of Schuyler (With Audio Interview)

©2014 Blue Ridge Life : Photo By BRL Photographer / Writer Woody Greenberg : (L to R) Isis Ringrose and Esther Kern, residents of the old Schuyler Hospital in East Nelson County, chat with their longtime friend and Nelson native, Earl Hamner this past Monday afternoon April 7, 2014. Hamner is back in Nelson where a biography about his life is being filmed.
©2014 Blue Ridge Life : Photo By BRL Photographer / Writer Woody Greenberg : (L to R) Isis Ringrose and Esther Kern, residents of the old Schuyler Hospital in East Nelson County, chat with their longtime friend and Nelson native, Earl Hamner this past Monday afternoon April 7, 2014.  Hamner is back in Nelson where a biography about his life is being filmed.
©2014 Blue Ridge Life : Photo By BRL Photographer / Writer Woody Greenberg : (L to R) Isis Ringrose and Esther Kern, residents of the old Schuyler Hospital in East Nelson County, chat with their longtime friend and Nelson native Earl Hamner this past Monday afternoon April 7, 2014. Hamner was back in Nelson where a biography about his life is being filmed.

Nelson County, VA

Nelson native, Earl Hamner, Jr. and Schuyler’s real John Boy Walton was back in the very place he was born on Monday. Hamner who was the creator of The highly acclaimed television series The Waltons. He’s been back in Nelson where a biography is being shot on his life. Our Woody Greenberg tells us the production company out of Nashville hopes to have it to air in time for Earl’s 91st birthday in July.

Woody Greenberg interviews Earl during his visit to Schuyler.


  1. I cant get enough of Earls young home life in Skyler. The show repeats my life also. My family was very much alike my Dad was lumber man.Had a mill, they was 7 boys .I was raised in the Ozark mountains in Missouri.


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