Power To Be Cut Tonight At 10 For An Hour At Wintergreen & Nearby Areas : Critical Repairs – COMPLETED



The repairs we made late Monday night as planned in about 20 minutes.

Wintergreen Resort & CVEC Territories
Nelson County, VA

Wintergreen Fire & Rescue Chief Curtis Sheets notified BRL late Monday that critical repairs are being made to the Dominion Power infrastructure tonight at 10PM. “Dominion tells us this should take about an hour and lights should be back on around. 11pm, Chief Sheets said.

Additionally CVEC says the following:

“Via CVEC:

Dominion Power Planned Outage to Affect 7100 CVEC Members

Central Virginia Electric Cooperative has been notified that Dominion Virginia Power has scheduled a planned outage for this evening in order to take corrective action at their Doom Substation in Augusta County. The planned outage is scheduled to begin at or around 10:00 p.m. this evening and the corrective action is designed to prevent a reoccurrence of the extended outage that affected 7100 CVEC members on Saturday morning and early afternoon.

Dominion officials estimate that the repair work will take at least 30 minutes, followed by a period to allow the gradual and orderly restoration of service throughout the CVEC distribution lines. The same CVEC members who experienced the outage on Saturday will be subject to the planned outage this evening. They include the members served by the following substations: Midway (near Crozet), Martins Store (near Nellysford, serving 4000 member from Afton to Shipman) and two Wintergreen Mountain substations that serve more than 2400 members.

CVEC members do not need to notify the Cooperative since the cause of the outage is known and isolated to the Dominion substation. CVEC does advise members to turn off appliances and electric heating system, to assist with “cold load pickup” the period where power restoration places a burden on the distribution system. Once power is restored, members should gradually turn on appliances over the period of 30-60 minutes.”

More as we know.


  1. Cold night, national college football championship game; nice timing Dominion. If you’re going to work in the dark anyway, why not do it at 2 am when you will inconvenience fewer people?

  2. Thank you blue ridge life ,it’s always good to go to your web site for up to date info. around nelson Co.I’m sure old Dominion picked the best over all time .At least now people can make plans for 30 minutes of no power. As it said 30 to 60 minutes.


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