Sheriff’s Investigators Asking Hunters For Help In Upcoming Season

Screengrab: CBS-19 Gray Television, Inv: View the TV news story via our media partners at CBS-19 in Charlottesville by clicking on the photo above.
17 year old Alexis Murphy has been missing since August 3, 2013. Tuesday the FBI in Richmond announced they have positively identified one of the cell phones found in the case as one belonging to Alexis.
17 year old Alexis Murphy has been missing since August 3, 2013. Wednesday, Nelson Sheriff’s Investigators put out a request to hunters to be alert and help in the search.

Nelson County, VA

Deer hunting season is getting in gear across the Central Virginia Blue Ridge and Nelson sheriff’s investigators know they cover a lot of ground during the season. “We’re simply asking hunters to be more alert this season. As leafs start dropping from the trees and things become more visible, we want them to let us know if they see anything that might help out,” Nelson Sheriff’s Investigator Billy Mays told BRLM Wednesday morning.

Screengrab: CBS-19 Gray Television, Inv: View the TV news story via our media partners at CBS-19 in Charlottesville by clicking on the photo above.
Screengrab: CBS-19 Gray Television, Inc: View the TV news story via our media partners at CBS-19 in Charlottesville by clicking on the photo above.

Some early archery deer hunts got underway in early October and other deer and bear seasons will be opening in the coming weeks as fall and winter come on.

“Hunters can be a great help to us in the upcoming seasons, they may see a piece of clothing of something that helps give us more clues in locating Alexis,” Investigator Mays continued.

Anyone with information in the case of missing Alexis Murphy is urged to call the Nelson Sheriff’s Department at 434-263-7050

History of the Alexis Murphy case by clicking here.


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