Albemarle / Nelson: VDOT Puts Up Temporary Traffic Camera at 250 & 151 Intersection

©2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine: VDOT installed a temporary camera at the intersection of Route 250 & 151 at Rockfish Gap on Friday - August 30, 2013
©2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine: VDOT installed a temporary camera at the intersection of Route 250 & 151 at Rockfish Gap on Friday – August 30, 2013 It can be seen on the right hand side of the intersection in the shot above.Orange mast.

Rockfish Gap
Albemarle County, VA

Traffic in and near Nelson & Albemarle counties is expected to be come very congested over the next week to 10 days. Sports & music events will be the major cause.
“According to the Traffic Operations Center in Staunton, these are temporarily in place to monitor traffic relative to the Lockn’ Festival and the home game at UVa in Charlottesville,” Paula Jones with VDOT in Lynchburg told us Friday afternoon.

BRLM first told you about traffic routes for the upcoming Lockn’ Festival this past Wednesday. One of the suggested alternate routes around the 29 congestion near Oak Ridge is down Route 151.

Get ready, anyway you count it, the roads are about to get jammed packed in the coming days, and that’s not even counting the Labor Day weekend traffic!


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