Hopping Good Time At Blue Mountain Brewery In Afton, VA

©2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Paul Purpura BRLM Mountain Photographer : In whats become an annual tradition, folks harvested and picked out the hops at Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton, VA this past Wednesday afternoon August 7, 2013.

Nelson County, VA

On October 24th of this year it will have been 6 years since Blue Mountain Brewery opened their doors for business. Since then they have essentially doubled in size at their current location in Afton and added another totally separate location in Colleen with the opening of their Barrel House. But behind the beer it’s all about the hops!

Jean and Bill Uhl from Piney River, VA enjoy and afternoon picking out the hops at Blue Mountain Brewery this past Wednesday – August 7, 2013

Blue Mountain first put in a small hop farm around the time they opened back in 2007, and the harvest has become a favorite way to celebrate the hops that go into some of beers brewed in Afton.

Stan Marshall and Luke Wilson played a little bluegrass music for some background while the hops were being picked at Blue Mountain Brewery – Wednesday : August 7, 2013

Folks that dropped by to help out were treated to a complimentary lunch!

BRLM photographer Paul Purpura brought along his sister Paula who came in from Virginia Beach. Paul said she had a wonderful time picking hops!
The cycle of beer. Hops to the glass! While picking fresh hops at Blue Mountain Brewery – Wednesday : August 7, 2013
Freshly picked hops this past Wednesday – August 7, 2013 at Blue Mountain Brewery.

See you at the 2014 Hop Picking Party!


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