Rockingham / Harrisonburg: Rocktown Beer & Music Festival

BlueRidgeLife™2013 : Photos By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Members of the Blue Mountain Brewery & Barrel House chat is up at this past weekend’s Rocktown Beer & Music Fest held in Harrisonburg – Saturday : April 20, 2013

Rockingham County, VA

With just a touch of coolness in the air it was the perfect setting for the Rocktown Beer & Music Festival held on Saturday – April 20, 2013 in Harrisonburg, VA. Around 3000 tickets were sold to the event. And it was a bang up success! The event was presented by Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance partnering along with Blue Mountain Brewery based right here in Nelson where we are.

A group of area high school teachers stop for a pose at the Rocktown Beer & Music Fest this past Saturday – April 20, 2013.
The band Judy Chops was one of several on stage Saturday – April 20, 2013 at the Rocktown Beer & Music Festival in Harrisonburg, VA
Crowds make their way into the Rocktown Beer & Music Fest – Saturday : April 20, 2013 in Harrisonburg at Turner Pavilion.
Aaron Reilly (left) brewmaster at Devils Backbone Brewing in Nelson County poses with the crew during the Rocktown Beer & Music Fest – Saturday April 20, 2013 in Harrisonburg, VA
Folks line the lawn and take in some sun during the Rocktown Beer & Music Festival – Saturday : April 20, 2013 in Harrisonburg, VA
A very respectable line of people wait to get into the Rocktown Beer & Music Festival – Saturday : April 20, 2013
The crew from Bold Rock Hard Cider here in Nelson was on had at the festival too!
And so were the guys from Wild Wolf Brewing in Nelson County, VA!

See you next you in 2014!


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