Very High Winds Cause Saturday Night Power Outages Across Nelson

©2012 : Photos By Tommy Stafford : In spite of a pretty large power outage Saturday night in Northern Nelson County, an old fashioned sockhop went off with candles and a generator at RVCC.

Nelson County, Virginia

Winds gusting as high as 66 MPH in the mountains of Nelson County have caused numerous power outages Saturday night across the county. Early in the evening it was from Martins Store south into Nellysford and toward Beech Grove. Later in the evening after that power was restored it was points north from Martins Store toward Afton. Some residents in Schuyler were reporting outages around 8PM as well as a few residents in the Piney River area.

This screen grab from CVEC's outage map shows the areas out before 8PM Saturday night. Shortly after 8PM a majority of areas had power once again.

To make matters worse, temps plummeted into the lower 20’s by dark in the valley portions of Nelson and into the single digits in the mountains at Wintergreen. That combined with the high winds easily dropped wind chill readings well below zero.

Regardless of the howling outside and the freezing temps, folks at the RVCC sockhop made do with candle light and a small generator.

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  1. So far, so good up here on top of Wintergreen. The electric has flickered but not gone out. Am very happy to be sitting in front of the fire tonight.


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