Feeling The Love At Veritas!

©2012 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Photos By NCL Valley Photographer : Hayley Osborne : They are spreading the love at Veritas with this nearly 6 foot tall sign made from corks! It's all part of a new campaign put on by Virginia's Tourism Department & Virginia Is For Lovers.

Nelson County, Virginia

Virginia is for Lovers is about love – pure and simple.  The state tourism office is working to share the message that love is at heart of every Virginia vacation and to do so, is partnering with tourism destinations across the state to have the word “love” pop up in many different and unexpected places throughout Virginia.

(L to R) Maureen Kelley - Director of Nelson Tourism, Elizabeth Smith - Owner of Afton Mountain Vineyards & Chairperson of Nelson 151, Tamra Talmadge-Anderson- Director of PR - VA Tourism Corporation, and Andrew Hodson - owner of Veritas Vineyard & Winery toast to the kickoff this past Thursday afternoon at Veritas.

On Thursday, one example was revealed, when the Virginia Tourism Corporation, Veritas Vineyards and Nelson County tourism unveiled a giant LOVE artwork made from wine corks at a special event at the vineyard’s tasting room. The artwork is part of the Virginia is for Lovers campaign. Each letter of the word love is nearly six feet tall and made up of hundreds of corks. The LOVE artwork is suspended above the Veritas wine bar, giving the impression that LOVE is floating in mid-air.  The artwork will be featured in tourism advertisements starting late spring.

Wine lovers can visit Veritas Vineyards to share the love of Virginia wines. Visitors will be encouraged to take a picture of the LOVE artwork and share it on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/VirginiaisforLovers or on Twitter, using the special hashtag #LOVEVA. Tasting room hours are Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

On Friday – January 27th 2012 Veritas will extend their regular tasting room hours for the public unveiling of the LOVE campaign.

Each letter of the sign hanging at Veritas is made of up hundreds of corks.

“Our iconic Virginia is for Lovers brand is about love – pure and simple, and has been for more than 40 years,” said Alisa Bailey, president and CEO of the Virginia Tourism Corporation. “We’re excited to bring the LOVE artwork to Veritas Vineyards and Nelson County as we promote Virginia as one of the top wine travel destinations on the East Coast.”

“Love is in the air at Veritas,” said Andrew Hodson, owner of Veritas Vineyard.  “We are thrilled to have the LOVE artwork on display at our winery and look forward to sharing our love of wines with visitors to our tasting room.”

Visitors can find everything they love in a vacation in Nelson County. Located on the Sunrise Side of the Blue Ridge, Nelson County is the travel destination for Virginia wine, craft beer and outdoor recreation lovers. With ten wineries, three breweries, a cidery and distillery, as well as amazing hiking, biking, local restaurants and lodging offerings, visitors can find the perfect getaway in Nelson County.

Love is at the heart of every Virginia vacation. Visit www.Virginia.org start planning a trip to Virginia or call 1-800-VISITVA to request a free, Virginia is for Lovers travel guide.  Connect with Virginia is for Lovers on Facebook or on Twitter at @VisitVirginia.



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