Wild Wolf Gets Ready To Brew At New Nellysford Location

Photo Courtesy of Mary Wolf : ©2011 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Danny Wolf (brewmaster) sorts through parts to hook up to fermenters at Wild Wolf's newly built brewery in Nellysford.

Nelson County, Virginia

Within a matter of days Wild Wolf Brewing Company will begin brewing beer at their new and permanent home in Nellysford, Virginia. This past week Danny Wolf, the brewmaster, at WW was busy getting everything ready to start production.

New fermenters just put in place at Wild Wolf's new home in Nellysford.

Wild Wolf has been on an aggressive fast track construction and remodeling project at the old Rockfish Nursery location on Route 151.

Our September story on Wild Wolf’s new construction. Click on the image above to read.

The restaurant portion of the new operation is nearing completion with an anticipated opening date of 11.11.11.

The new brewhouse getting ready to make beer at Wild Wolf's new location.

We can’t wait!

More on the history of the building location long before it was purchased by Wild Wolf – by clicking here.


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