Stoney Creek Pharmacy : Cheryl Tompkins’ Update

Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2011 : Allen Cash (left) stops for a photo this past Saturday with his wife Cheryl Tompkins-Cash and dog Scruffy at Stoney Creek Pharmacy in Nellysford.

Nelson County, Virginia

Two years ago, in our July 2009 print issue of NCL, we told you about Cheryl Tompkins-Cash’s battle against cancer. Cheryl has owned Stoney Creek Pharmacy for a number of years. First where Afton Family Medicine is and more recently in the Valley Green Shopping Center.

Cheryl’s story in our July 2009 edition of Nelson County Life Magazine. Click on the photo above to read the article.

Cheryl was well on her way to recovery after receiving both radiation and chemo treatments for several weeks. Then … after getting a pretty clean bill of health, a few months ago she got troubling news. A severe relapse and invasion of cancer. “It was affected my writing, my walking, everything,” Cheryl told us this past Saturday afternoon at Stoney Creek Pharmacy in Nellysford. She and her husband and angel in the flesh, Allen, were there doing some tidying up and paperwork that Cheryl hasn’t been able to do since the recurrence and emergency treatment she recently started getting again. “I am getting intense chemo therapy every other Monday. I just completed 10 rounds of radiation to zap the new tumors that surfaced in my brain,” Cheryl bravely and openly shared with us Saturday.

©2009 : Cheryl Tompkins & Scruffy in a 2009 photo while she was still receiving treatment for her first bout with breast cancer.

Cheryl wanted to let all of the people that have been sending her cards, letters, prayers, and well wishes, she can’t thank you enough. “That and the lord are what’s been getting me through this.” Cheryl also wanted to say thanks to everyone for being patient and understand about the operation of the pharmacy during this unpredicted time in her life. She tells us they are working on a plan now to restore complete operation of the pharmacy in Nellysford and that should be in place within the next few weeks.

Meanwhile they continue operating on an abbreviated schedule until all of the changes are in place. “Until we get all of the finances, prescription orders, etc in place, we will still be operating on a shortened schedule with limited prescription availability. But that is not permanent,” Cheryl continued.

Over the next week as changes are worked out here’s the schedule:

Mon: 8.1 – 9AM to 1PM
Tue: 8.2 – 1PM to 6PM
Wed: 8.3 – 9AM to 1PM
Thu: 8.4 – 1PM to 6PM
Fri: 8.5 – 9AM to 1PM
Sat: 8.6 – 9AM to 1PM

Chery’s hanging in there and appreciates everyone being patient. It’s a very long road ahead, but it was nice to see her up and around if only for a brief time.

More about Chery’s battle with cancer, here and here and here.

We all miss you Cheryl!



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