My Name Is Angelo. Can You Help Me Find My Way Back Home?

Angelo, the official NCL kitty and playmate for Junior Publishers, Adam & Peyton Stafford has been missing now for over a week.

Greenfield / Afton
Nelson County, Virginia

About a week and a half ago NCL’s orange tabby cat, Angelo, didn’t show that Tuesday morning May 26th, for his breakfast. Not totally unusual as Angelo is an indoor / outdoor cat with his own mind. He’s left before maybe for a day, but always returned. This time he didn’t. The food bowl there today, still full, waiting for his return.

Angelo with his buddies Adam & Peyton in a May 2011 photo.

Initially we weren’t overly concerned about Angelo. Then after a week we figured his time here was probably done. Either falling prey to a bobcat (almost happened once before), a car or something else. It’s the country. It happens. But this past Thursday afternoon friends of ours in Nellysford told us they may have spotted him in the area of Mountain Area Realty. Surprising. We’ve also had a couple of reports of people seeing cats on Route 151 that weren’t so lucky within the past week. But honestly we’ve had those reports countless times over the past 4 years, it never was him. Always another. As far as we know, he never strayed very near 151, except right here around the office. Would he roam far and wide on this side, you bet!

Angelo taking a nap under a mini Christmas tree back in 2008.

So, if it was Angelo, just how would he get to Nellysford, and stay alive? Then it dawned on us how much he liked to jump in people’s cars, on trailers, work crew’s trucks, etc that might have been here over the past week. Though unlikely, it is possible he hitched a ride out of here!

The late Millington in a 2006 photo along delivering magazines in the summer. He died later that year. Angelo showed up just two days before Millington left us.

I (Tommy) was never a cat person, but, Angelo showed up two days before our very loved beagle Millington had to be put to sleep. To me it was a sign we should keep him, nurture him, and let him become part of the family. Boy did he!

We’re not foolish enough to believe he may be gone forever. Pets come along, spend their time with you and then head on down the road when their time is done. Angelo’s time may be done. But, if you see a cat like him wandering around let us know.

When he left he had on a small brown leather collar with an identifying nameplate that said: “Angelo 6222 Rockfish Valley Highway – Afton – 434-361-0104. So if the collar is still on there will be no mistaking it’s him.

And a final parting thought. Though we appreciate the offers, no, we don’t want another cat. If Angelo is gone forever, we’ll leave it there for now. Maybe again one day, but not today.


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