Major Power Outage Hits Nelson County

Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2011 : Mae Collins wipes off the dust from the old manual credit card machine at Basic Necessities Saturday afternoon after a widespread power outage hit Nelson County, Virginia.

Nelson County, Virginia
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Updated at 1:31 PM EDT via CVEC:

The Woods Mill circuit was where the tree fell into the line and where the damaged recloser is situated. A substation technician is en route to bypass the recloser and restore service along Route 6 to Woods Mill and then north and south along Route 29 to include Davis Creek, Dutch Creek Wheelers Cove, Shipman, Rockfish and the are near Covesville.

Many of the areas mentioned above report power back on around 1:35 PM EDT.

Via CVEC at 1:02 PM EDT

“One of the circuits in the Martins Store Substation has been re-energized but the other circuit remains open, most likely due to a damaged recloser, protective equipment that de-energizes a line. Crews will either replace the recloser or do a work around to get service restored as quickly as possible.”

Updated 12:57 PM EDT
Numerous reports of power coming back on across Nelson.

Updated 12:50 PM EDT
Reports of power coming back on in Nellysford.

Original post below
As of 12:45 PM Saturday afternoon a widespread power outage was still underway across many parts of Nelson County. The outage appears to be affecting customers served out of the Martins Store Substation at the intersection of Routes 6 & 151 just north of Nellysford. It appears customers north of the substation toward Afton are not affected, but customers south and east are all out. Wintergreen Resort has not been affected.

Via CVEC on Facebook about 12:45 PM:

“A very large tree near the Martins Store Substation, fell into on of the power lines tripping the circuit back to the substation. More than 2600 members have been affected along two circuits that leave the substation. The tree has been safely clear and CVEC is attempting to re-energize the lines now.”

Click on the CVEC map above for latest updates on power outage.


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