We’re 6 Today!

©2005-2011 www.nelsoncountylife.com : NCL Publishers, Tommy and Yvette Stafford in our April 1, 2005 publisher's photo in the first edition of Nelson County LIfe Magaizine.

Nelson County, Virginia
April 1, 2005 we jumped off into Nelson County Life Magazine. Six years later, little did we know we’d still be at it! We knew we wanted to but starting the magazine back then was a total leap of faith.

Six years later the Nelson County Life Family has grown by two. Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford came along in September of 2008 folllowed by Juniorette Publisher, Peyton Stafford in September of 2010.

Some people preceded us. Woody Greenberg is one that comes to mind with his magazine back in the 70’s or maybe it was the early 80’s. And no one can forget Lynn Coffey and her Backroads Newspaper that spanned 25 years. Just below we are honored to have Lynn write a tribute on our 6 year anniversary.

Above, Backroads founder, Lynn Coffey, writes about Nelson County Life Magazine turning 6 years old April 1, 2011. Click on the article to enlarge and read.

Today we are still going strong. And, as Lynn mentions in her piece, we can now call many of you our friends. Not just friends, trusted friends. You have opened your homes to us. Gave us a helping hand. Let us borrow a cup of flour when needed. Or just stopped by for a chat.

We are humbled by the way this county and its people have opened its arms to us and our expanding family.

Thank you for your faith in what we do and we hope we never let you down!

Here’s to 6 more years!

Tommy, Yvette, Adam & Peyton Stafford


  1. Happy 6th Birthday, from all the Monticello High School Listeners/Viewers of Nelsoncountylife.com

    Thanks for all you do to help Nelson County to be one of the GREATEST placesd to live!!!


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