Board Of Supervisors’ Work Session : Minutes : 3.16.11



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Present: Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Allen Hale, Mr. Tommy Harvey and Ms. Connie Brennan

BUDGET WORK SESSION: Supervisors heard reports from Constitutional Officers –

SHERIFF’S OFFICE: Sheriff David Brooks said that he realizes that economic times are hard but asked the Board to consider funding his full requests for the following –

Training $10,156 (staff recommended $1,306 reduction) noting that officers need to keep current on their training as well as new officers going through basic training;

Uniforms $13,000 (staff recommended $3,000 reduction) noting that new officers will be added for courthouse security; and

Police Supplies $17,000 (staff recommended $4,000 reduction) noting that equipment needs to be services, ammunition is expensive, etc;

Pay Increase of 1-2% for department and dispatchers;

Needs an impound lot for staff vehicles and seized vehicles;

Would like to start an inmate work release program with 3 inmates to clean the courthouse, work on the grounds and clean up dump sites;

Make an office staff person full-time rather than part-time; and

Purchase a hybrid four-wheel drive vehicle for the civil process server.

CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT: Ms. Judy Smythers said that she can work with the proposed budget, expects revenues to be about the same as last year and is in serious need of additional storage space.

COMMONWEALTH’S ATTORNEY: Mr. Phil Payne said that he can work with the budget as proposed; noting that funding for personnel would be his only shortfall.

TREASURER: Ms. Erma Sue Harris said that she had not requested new items or changes to her budget as she is retiring and felt that the new Treasurer should make those decisions. She did, however, ask that Supervisors consider additional security for that office as soon as possible.

COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE: Ms. Payne had no concerns about her budget.

GENERAL BUDGET INTRODUCTION: Mr. Carter presented the draft $32,734,782 budget.

Ms. McCann reported that –

– the state budget provides for increased education funding to localities;

– the state has shifted funding responsibility to localities for the Line of Duty Act (benefits for professional and volunteer public safety officers killed or permanently injured in the line of duty) – approximately $30,500;

– current year revenues for collection of delinquent taxes, local sales tax, meals tax, building permit fees, court fines, landfill tipping fees and communications sales tax will all exceed projections;

– current year revenues for real estate tax sales and revenue recovery (ambulance billing) will not meet projections;

– FY12 revenue projections for local, state and federal revenues are expected to show a slight decline;

– FY12 expenditure budget is proposed, generally, at level funding;

– total proposed expenditures exceed current year projected expenditures by $3,587,471 with $2,895,628 of that being non-recurring expenditures;

– proposed budget includes contingency funding of $441,332;

– proposed budget includes an operational increase of $250,000 to schools;

– proposed budget includes a full year of expenses for the new judicial wing; and

– proposed budget includes a 1% employee pay adjustment of $43,000.

Ms. McCann reported that the proposed budget includes the following Capital Projects:

– Microwave Network (grant) $1,355,000

– Devil’s Knob Tower 100,000

– Crozet Tunnel (grant) 160,000

– Blue Ridge Trail (grant) 335,000

– Recreation Complex PER 18,000

– Public Safety Radio/Simulcast 1,100,000

– Comprehensive Plan Update 38,323

– Skid Steer-Transfer Station 37,000

– AutoPulse Device-Paid EMS 10,000

– Sheriff Vehicles (3) 68,175

– Animal Control Trucks (2) 46,000

– School Window Project 504,672

– School Buses (4) 296,028

TOTAL $4,068,198

Supervisors voted unanimously to keep all county taxes the same as last year. Staff to draft the appropriate resolution. Supervisors to continue budget work in April.

2011 REDISTRICTING: Ms. Susan Rorrer presented a draft plan to move population from the Central District to the West District following Rt. 151 across Brent’s Mountain and then the left side of Beech Grove Road (Rt. 664). The shift from the South District to the East District follows the major power transmission line. The North District population is in line and does not need to be changed. Supervisors voted 3-0-1 (Mr. Harvey absent; Mr. Johnson abstaining) to authorize staff to advertise the new districts for public hearing on April 12th on 7:00pm at the Courthouse. Mr. Johnson said that some of his constituents objected to the change.

See draft map below.

Meeting adjourned.

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