Wintergreen Ski Instructors Hone Skills At Clinic

Photos By Paul Pupura : ©2011 : Wintergreen Ski Instructor Don Bailey and Ski Instructor Clinician John Cossaboom perform some maneuvers this week at Massanutten as Wintergreen Resort's ski instructors hone their skills on the slopes.

Massanutten Resort, VA
This week ski instructors from Wintergreen Resort traveled up the road to fine tune their skills. It’s part of a clinic held at Massanutten Resort north of Nelson County. NCL’s Mountain Photographer, Paul Purpura, also a ski instructor at Wintergreen, attended this year’s clinic.

“These pictures were taken at the top of “Paradise” which is on the summit of the mountain,” Paul tells us.

Wintergreen Ski Instructor Marion Spano and John Cossaboom discuss elements of the workshop at the Alpine Workshop Clinic hosted by the Professional Ski Instructors of a America (PSIA) held this week at Massanutten.

Part of the clinic was a Level II Instructor Ski Exam, Wintergreen hosted the Level I exam earlier in the season.


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