Bouncers Brave Wind Chills Near 0° To Raise Money For Nelson Pantry

Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2010 : Chris McNamara, husband of Christy, a bartender at DBBC, jumps high Tuesday night (Dec 13, 2010) outside of Devils Backbone in 20° weather to help raise money for needy Nelson families this Christmas.

Roseland / Beech Grove
Nelson County, Virginia

The temperatures hovered around 20° Tuesday night with winds gusting as high as 34 MPH while the crew and other volunteers continued Bouncing For Hams outside of Devils Backbone Brewing. We first told you about the planned event a few days ago. The goal of the 24 hour bounce is to raise enough money for 330 hams for The Nelson County Pantry will donate to needy families this Christmas. “We’re want to do something really special for the community for the holidays. We’re using this as an opportunity to raise money for needy families in the county,” Brian Coe, Assistant Manager at DBBC tells NCL. Brian was there Tuesday night bundled up to the max, jumping away as well!

Merideth Young of DBBC, jumps for a session Tuesday night raising money for The Nelson County Pantry.

The event runs through the night and all day until 6PM Tuesday evening. They are asking people to drop by and donate, volunteer to jump for a bit, or just buy something to eat on Tuesday. “Come out on December 14th and dine, 10% of our non-alcoholic revenue is going to be donated to the pantry,” Brian continues. There’s also a box at the front hostess station where people can simply drop in a donation.

Brian Coe, Assistant Manager at DBBC, Bounces For Hams in the 20° weather Tuesday night.

You know it’s cold down there, so help these folks out, so they can help others this Christmas!



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